The math content nobody asked for

brought by the least expected pal


I am Roberto, son of the author of our books, the mathematician Jorge Saenz.

My academic background and career have revolved around Information Systems and Data Analysis, but I have always dedicated considerable time to collaborating with my father in editing his books, maintaining a connection to Mathematics in one way or another.

Roberto Sáenz

I have to admit that for many years my comfort zone was, say, too comfortable. I had long believed that I required some form of stimulus to confront the impostor syndrome and delve deeper into the realm of mathematicsUnfortunately, this stimulus came, and it was tragic because it was my father’s death.

Interestellar, 2014

This event represented a pivotal moment in my life, as it left a significant void, that susprisingly I could only overcome by pursuing further studies in mathematics.

Reading his books and completing the exercises made me feel a deeper connection to him. I like to think this relates to the theory in the movie Interstellar, which scientifically describes the only thing that transcends space and time: love.

My nearly spiritual experience with mathematics has given me a markedly different outlook compared to traditional professors, as well as students who feel intimidated by their courses.

From the two mentioned groups, I have a greater affinity for the latter, and  that’s kind of ironic, considering that I am now pursuing a master’s degree in mathematics. That is why I do not pretend to be my father, but I do want to contribute value to society, just as he did, while still being true to myself.

If you want to know more about what I’m up to, follow me on tiktok and instagram as The Pythagorean Pal, where I’ll not only try to reach out students and science enthusiasts; I’ll also show the mathematics naysayers why they do use the Pythagorean Theorem every day.
